Monday, May 3, 2010

Keyword Cannibalization: What it is This?

Today I found a very important on page issue called Keyword cannibalization, this fact generates problem when a newbie webmaster or inexperienced site owner uses one keyword in many pages for which they want rank for.

Let’s explain keyword cannibalization,

Targeting same keyword or keyword phrases on multiple pages of a website in content & title part with the aim to improve search engine ranking. This lead to a confusion to the search engine on which page to rank in SERPs.

All of website owner’s efforts by having this in practice are misguided. It’s a bad idea to use same in every page’s title and in content part.

But the fact is that Keyword cannibalization doesn’t work ..WHY….

Google ranks each page of a website independently of each other

You already (if you are not newbie) know that only maximum 2 pages are ever going to rank in that particular keyword phrase. So what …

Using the same keyword doesn’t help gain extra relevance
By creating more than one pages with same set of title and body content never force to search engine spiders to interpret the site as being more relevant for the same keyword set. All it does is force the spider to choose which page is the best. One page will rank, and the others won’t show up at all.

The quality of your content will suffer
If you are using same keyword in each articles title and content. So what is impact on visitors ? Just think about it

You are severely limiting your search engine traffic potential
Use variations of your keyword phrase that is better. Why are you wasting your time and efforts by ranking every page for a single keyword when there so many others variation occurs

For solution how to avoid keyword cannibalization.I will came with solution shortly.Enjoy read SEO News and Information

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