Monday, August 31, 2009

Blog Directory Posting | Blog Directory Submission

What is Blog Submission?

You have a blog and you are good blog poster as well as your writing are so strong that people would like visit and read these posts, but you have not enough readers and blog popularity, here comes the need of Blog Submission services. Having blog listed in various blog directories provide you direct traffic as well as keyword ranking in google which generate natural traffic towards your blog!

Blog Directory Posting deals with submitting the Blogs like the pages that we would create (ex:squidoo, hubpage, wordpress & google pages) to the Blog Directories .

There are a number of reasons why submitting your blog to blog directories is a good idea. In addition to increasing exposure for your blog, there are a miriad of benefits. Here are just a few.

1. Blog Directories are often crawled by Search Engines. Blog directories are easily crawled by major search engines such as Yahoo!, MSN, and Google. The structure of these directories is perfect for search engines and search engine optimiation. As with many popular blog sites, search engines may not be able to crawl the entire site and therefore your blog may take some time to appear in search results.

2. Most blog directories see a lot of traffic. In addition to ranking high on search engine results, individuals like to see who else is listed in their category. This can create clicks and exposure that you otherwise wouldn't get. Don't underestimate the power of curiosity.

3. Blog Directories have a large number of incoming links. Many directories give you the option of providing a reciprocal link or small subscription fee. As a result, a number of links are generated regularly - helping popularity and placement on search engine results lists.

Creating Web2.0 pages

For Example: Squidoo, hubpages


Squidoo is a social networking site. Social sites are seen as a budgetary advantage for those who do not wish to buy targeted traffic. As the popularity of these sites continues to expand, online web site owners cannot afford to ignore their potential to yield additionally targeted visitors. Squidoo allows users to create web pages easily by simply using its ready to use templates. In Squidoo, these web pages are called lenses. Many online marketers today are taking advantage of Squidoo marketing to promote their business online.


HubPages is your online space to share your advice, reviews, useful tips, opinions and insights with hundreds of other authors. HubPages is completely free. Hub pages perform the function of linking together in a logical and hierarchical way a number of related but possibly dissimilar subjects or aspects of a subject. In the case of an overall term such as electricity where the subject is so vast, hub pages can direct the reader to his/her area of specific interest far more quickly and easily. Hub pages can lead the reader into areas of specific interest to them by means of the introductory text on the page and clicking on the main page links provided at the head of the paragraph.